What is the Cost to Form an LLC?
The cost to form an LLC ranges $40 to $500 depending on the state of formation. In the chart below, we have outlined the initial LLC filing fee for each state along with the annual fees (if any).
- AlabamaAlabama
- AlaskaAlaska
- ArizonaArizona
- ArkansasArkansas
- CaliforniaCalifornia
- ColoradoColorado
- ConnecticutConnecticut
- DelawareDelaware
- District of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia
- FloridaFlorida
- GeorgiaGeorgia
- HawaiiHawaii
- IdahoIdaho
- IllinoisIllinois
- IndianaIndiana
- IowaIowa
- KansasKansas
- KentuckyKentucky
- LouisianaLouisiana
- MaineMaine
- MarylandMaryland
- MassachusettsMassachusetts
- MichiganMichigan
- MinnesotaMinnesota
- MississippiMississippi
- MissouriMissouri
- MontanaMontana
- NebraskaNebraska
- NevadaNevada
- New HampshireNew Hampshire
- New JerseyNew Jersey
- New MexicoNew Mexico
- New YorkNew York
- N. CarolinaN. Carolina
- N. Dakota N. Dakota
- OhioOhio
- OklahomaOklahoma
- OregonOregon
- PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
- Rhode IslandRhode Island
- S. CarolinaS. Carolina
- S. DakotaS. Dakota
- TennesseeTennessee
- TexasTexas
- UtahUtah
- VermontVermont
- VirginiaVirginia
- WashingtonWashington
- W. VirginiaW. Virginia
- WisconsinWisconsin
- WyomingWyoming
Filing Fee
- Alabamaplus $50 minimum probate judge fee$100
- Alaska$250
- Arizona$50
- Arkansas$45 if filed online$50
- California$70
- Colorado$50
- Connecticut$120
- Delaware$90
- District of Columbia$220
- Florida$125
- Georgia$100
- Hawaii$50
- Idaho$100
- Illinois+$100 for online or expedited filing$150
- Indiana+$5 if you file a paper version$85
- Iowa$50
- Kansas+$5 if not filed online$160
- Kentucky$40
- Louisiana$100
- Maine$175
- Maryland$100
- Massachusetts$500
- Michigan$50
- Minnesota$155 for online LLC filings$135
- Mississippi$50
- Missouri$50 if filed and paid for online$105
- Montana$70
- Nebraskaplus $5 for recording fee$100
- Nevada$75
- New Hampshire$100
- New Jersey$125
- New Mexico$50
- New York$200
- N. Carolina$125
- N. Dakota $135
- Ohio$99
- Oklahoma$100
- Oregon$100
- Pennsylvania$125
- Rhode Island$150
- S. Carolina$110
- S. Dakota$150
- Tennessee$300
- Texas$300
- Utah$70
- Vermont$125
- Virginia$100
- Washington$200 if completed online$180
- W. Virginia$100
- Wisconsin$130 if filed online$170
- Wyoming$100
Annual Fee
- AlabamaThis is the minimum privilege tax. The privilege tax is based on net worth.$100
- Alaska$100 biennial
- Arizona
- Arkansas$150
- California$800 is the minimum annual franchise tax obligation. CA also charges $20 every other year to file a statement of information$800*
- Colorado$10
- Connecticut$20
- Delaware$300
- District of Columbia$300 biennial
- Florida$138.75
- Georgia$50
- Hawaii$15
- Idaho
- Illinois+$50 for online or expedited filing$250
- Indiana+$10 if you file a paper version$20 biennial
- Iowa$30 if filed online$45 biennial
- Kansas+$5 for paper filing$50
- Kentucky$15
- Louisiana$30
- Maine$85
- Marylandpersonal property tax$300
- Massachusetts$500
- Michigan$25
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana$15
- Nebraska$10 biennial
- Nevada$150
- New Hampshire$100
- New Jersey$50
- New Mexico
- New York$9 biennial
- N. Carolina$200
- N. Dakota $50
- Ohio
- Oklahoma$25
- Oregon$100
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island$50
- S. Carolina
- S. Dakota$50
- Tennessee$300 min to $3,000 max$50/owner
- Texas
- Utah$20
- Vermont$35
- Virginia$50
- Washington$69
- W. Virginia$25
- Wisconsin$25
- WyomingIf Wyoming assets are more than $250,000, you would pay $.0002 per dollar amount of Wyoming assets$50
Publication Fee
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New YorkDepends on the newspaper. $50 to file proof of publication.
- N. Carolina
- N. Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- S. Carolina
- S. Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- W. Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
License Fee
- Alabama
- Alaska$50/year
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada$200
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- N. Carolina
- N. Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- S. Carolina
- S. Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- W. Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
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